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2023 WPT World Championship
December 11, 2023
Event Info
December 12, 2023
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Thank-you and goodnight!

That's it from Wynn Las Vegas and we're now going to drag ourselves back home for Christmas. That's going to seem like an anti-climax after what we've seen this week.

The 2023 WPT World Championship was a fantastic tournament from start to finish, and Dan Sepiol fully deserves the win. He played brilliantly from start to finish, with the big bluff against Andrew Lichtenberger early on setting the tone for what was to come.

He never lost the momentum and is a worthy champion.

We'll see you in 2024!

Final payouts

1st: Dan Sepiol - $5,282,954*
2nd: Georgios Sotiropoulos - $4,167,246*
3rd: Andrew Lichtenberger - $2,798,700
4th: Chris Moorman - $2,095,300
5th: Ben Heath - $1,583,100
6th: Artur Martirosian - $1,207,000

*After deal


Meet your new champ!

Vince Van Patten starts the celebrations and we imagine they'll go into the night for Dan Sepiol 🥂


Dan Sepiol wins the WPT World Championship ($5,282,954)*

Dan Sepiol has done it!

When the money went in, his K-3 was dominated by Sotiropoulos' K-Q.

However, the J-8-4-3-2 run-out was heartbreak for Sotiropoulos.

This is the moment Sepiol was dreaming about last night. He wins $5,282,954 after a deal was done.



The action has become frenzied since the deal was done.

This time it's Dan Sepiol who wins a monster pot and he's regained a huge chip lead.

He raises to 6 million pre-flop and Georgios Sotiropoulos calls.

Flop: J92

Sotiropoulos check-raises to 18,500,000 and Sepiol calls.

Turn: T

Sepiol bets 35,000,000 and Sotiropoulos calls.

Sotiropoulos moves all-in on the 7 river and Sepiol makes the call.

Sotiropoulos: Q-J
Sepiol: J2

Dan Sepiol - 316,400,000
Georgios Sotiropoulos - 66,700,000