Frankie C Player Advisroy Board
'Frankie C' Cucchiara

Do you have recurring poker nightmares?

Asked on Jan 1 2025

I dream about poker a lot. I have dreams where I'm holding the WSOP Main Event bracelet with all the cash surrounding me. 

I have that one a lot less than this one recurring dream. I'm in a big pot, and I have the best hand, and all I have to do is show it, turn over my cards, and show it to the table. But I can't. I'm frozen. And the dealer just takes my cards.

This is a follow up to that dream. It's the same beginning, I have the best hand. I look down at my hand and I have aces full. It's my pot. Then when I look at my cards once again, it's a different hand, like ace-four or jack-four. I misread my hand, and I lost the huge pot.

That dream I've had a few times. I'm just wondering, does anyone else have similar bad dreams?