Creators you should know: BigFishNoShrimp

Mo Afdhal
Posted on: March 15, 2023 08:27 PDT

There is a staggering amount of poker content being produced at the moment, so much so that it can sometimes be difficult to find creators that you resonate with.

This month, PokerOrg will begin highlighting creators who have small, but loyal fanbases and with plenty of room to grow. We want you to know these content creators as we have come to know them.

We begin with Twitch streamer Noah, AKA "BigFishNoShrimp" and his thoughts about about all things poker, streaming, and content creation. 

Mo: “So, Noah, when did you get into poker?”

BigFish: “I started playing in home games about five years ago when I was in Israel for college.”

Mo: “Were you there for all four years or just a semester-long study abroad program?”

BigFish: “It was meant to be all four years, but I dropped out after the first year to pursue acting/poker. These days I mostly stick to poker.” 

Mo: “Do you have connections to Israel? Through family?

BigFish: “I grew up in LA, lived there my whole life, but, yeah, I have family in Israel.”

Mo: “Any stand-out memories from those early days playing overseas?”

BigFish: “Yeah, running around Tel Aviv with my friend Sammy playing the underground games there. I met a bunch of good people, friends I still talk to and play with when I go back. They took me in like family even though I couldn’t speak much Hebrew. I ended up playing three to four times a week and wasn't paying much attention to school. I fell in love with poker over there.” 

Mo: “What were those underground games like?”

BigFish: “They were good games, lots of action, lots of characters from all walks of life. Soldiers, businessmen, a couple of pros, some wild, gangster-type guys, but all very friendly.”

Mo: “So, you come back to LA and you’re focusing on poker. What led you to start streaming?”

BigFish: “I wanted to jump into streaming for a while but only started in April of 2022. I figured it would be a good way to make connections in poker and get my name out there. It’s also nice to have the income to supplement the swingy poker lifestyle.”

Mo: “Were you looking to make connections specifically in poker or in streaming/content creation as well?”

BigFish: “Mostly poker, but I really enjoy the streaming community and am interested in streaming things other than poker.”

Mo: “What other content do you like to stream?”

BigFish: “I’ve done a few Just Chatting streams and really enjoyed those...some gaming here and there as well.”

Mo: “What are the pros and cons of streaming poker gameplay on Twitch?”

BigFish: “I really love the community I’ve built. Playing online poker can be somewhat isolating and lonely, so it’s nice to have friends along for the ride. The biggest con is people coming into the chat and telling me how to play hands or how I misplayed certain spots.”

Mo: “Do you have any favorite memories on stream?”

BigFish: “I won the Boski Special on ACR with a bunch of friends watching and railing the action. That was awesome. There was a week that I won four tournaments and placed second in two others. That was a $10K week.”

Mo: “What are your goals in poker or in streaming?”

BigFish: “I’d like to become an ACR Stormer, but mostly I’m just trying to have a good time and build a fun community.”

Mo: “So, building your community is something you’re passionate about?”

BigFish: “Definitely, but focusing on quality over quantity.” 

Mo: “What about silverware? Do the trophies interest you at all?”

BigFish: “I’d love to win a WSOP bracelet. That’s a dream of mine for sure. And I want to play the (WSOP) Main Event before 2025.”

Mo: “Who do you admire in the poker community?”

BigFish: “Michael Addamo is my favorite player. He’s fearless with the ability to adapt to any extreme... really fun to watch.”

Mo: “Addamo is a beast. One of the best to watch.”

BigFish: “I’m also a big fan of Alan Keating. I like his vibe and he’s always ready to gamble.”

Mo: “What do you do to study off the felt? Any experience with coaching?”

BigFish: “I used for about a year and found it very helpful. I listened to everything Jonathan Little had to say. His training was huge for me. I’ve also used DTO in the past. And I watch all the free stuff that goes out on YouTube.”

Mo: “What’s your live poker experience been like?”

BigFish: “I’ve played live here in LA at The Bike, Player’s, and Hollywood Park, but I’m mostly focused online at the moment. I’ve played some of the games in Vegas too but prefer the LA live scene if I have to pick.” 

Mo: “Okay, last one: what excites you about poker right now?”

BigFish: “These Hustler live streams are so enjoyable and they seem to be trying hard to grow the game as well, which is great. The big creator freerolls on ACR that have been running lately are also a great way to grow the game.”

Mo: “I couldn’t agree more. I appreciate you taking the time to chat, Noah. It’s been great learning more about you and your poker journey. Best of luck to you.”

If you enjoyed learning about Noah’s path through poker and streaming as much as I did, be sure to check out his stream on Twitch, as well as follow his Instagram and Twitter.

If you know of any poker content creators that strike you as worthy of highlighting, please reach out to PokerOrg on Twitter and recommend them.