Former poker player bashes poker players, gets slammed by pros

Posted on: June 5, 2020 08:54 PDT

Anna Khait calls out the “hypocrisy” of the poker space, but the real source of her animosity is quickly revealed

In what developed as an intense drama between a former poker pro player against the rest of the poker community, Anna Khait bashed on poker players as an excuse for having left the game. The former player used her Twitter account to show her hate to the poker community; however, she later clarified that her comments were directed to professional poker players and never to any recreational players, which she has no problems with. Of course, there were plenty of reactions form several players who did not think twice about speaking their mind.

"I used to have such respect for the poker community until I realized how much of a pathetic group of self-righteous, hypocritical, slanderer lefties they are. So easily triggered and hateful. (And most of them are complete losers). Pathetic," wrote Khait on a tweet. "Grateful the Lord took me out!" she added. Just in case the sensibility of recreational players would create any angry reactions, she later clarified, "I’m not talking about the wonderful recreational players — many of them are conservative. I’m talking about the majority of the poker 'pros.'" She became famous after appearing in a TV Survivor show.

Her online tantrum was quickly slammed by several of those 'pros' she hates. "I doubt the lord would agree with your tweet here. Not very kind. Also, he didn’t take you out of poker. Your lifetime earnings of 12k took you out of poker," said Ben Lamb. Even the popular lawyer and poker player Mac VerStandig shared his opinion, "Wait, what? Poker players are - almost to a comical degree - absurdly diverse. And as a community, we really only agree on two things: (1) tourists should be separated from their money; and (2) you’re starting to make Charlie Sheen’s “tiger blood” faze look like a fit of sanity."