"I can't believe it's only Monday" – HCL Super High Stakes Week hits the ground running

Could HCL survive if the bill is passed?
Mo Afdhal
Posted on: November 28, 2023 06:48 PST

Hustler Casino Live kicked off its Super High Stakes Week with a bang on Monday night. The stakes were high--$200/$400 with plenty of straddles--and the players came ready to battle it out and gamble it up.

Monday's lineup consisted of some HCL regulars, like Mariano and Charles Yu, but also introduced audiences to a few newcomers. Then, there were the big draws: Santhosh Suvarna and Martin Kabrhel. These were the two guys that everyone wanted to see in action, but for markedly different reasons.

Gambler's delight

Suvarna's legendary status as a high stakes gambling player was further cemented by his performance. It didn't take long for Suvarna to push the chips in the middle as he found himself all-in within the first orbit of hands. Entertaining players grace the HCL felt week in and week out, but there's no one that does it like Suvarna. There's one hand in particular that makes this evidently clear.

Is anyone else calling it off in this spot?

Kabrhel cleans up

Kabrhel's appearance on the show may have struck some as an odd choice, but, love him or hate him, it's hard to deny that he brings the viewers. After the controversy at this year's World Series of Poker, plenty of people in the community tuned in to catch his follow-up performance--and Kabrhel didn't disappoint.

The early goings saw him dump off his first buy-in running a bluff against newcomer Mo. It was a tough start, but Kabrhel bounced back quickly and even got revenge against Mo later in the stream.

The action continues

It might prove difficult to top Monday night's show, but if there's one livestream that knows how to capitalize on momentum, it's Hustler Casino Live. We're expecting big things from tonight's show as HCL legend Nik Airball returns to the felt, along with seasoned professionals Andy Stacks and Dan 'Jungleman' Cates.

Suvarna stays in the lineup as well, all but guaranteeing a night of high stakes mayhem. You won't want to miss it.

Super High Stakes Week 3 continues tonight with cards in the air at 5 p.m. Pacific Time. You can watch all the action on the Hustler Casino Live YouTube channel.