Bryn Kenney wants to take on the entire poker community

bryn kenney poker
Jon Sofen
Posted on: April 5, 2021 03:24 PDT

Bryn Kenney is talking a big game on Twitter, and he's been calling out some big name poker pros, including Phil Hellmuth, Phil Galfond and Ike Haxton.

The high roller started the callouts by questioning Hellmuth's greatness. He wants the "Poker Brat" to back up his mouth about being the best player in the game.

"What’s all this white magic and apexpredator sh*t I’m hearing @Phil_hellmuth . We know who is king of the hill, but if you want your shot at the top let’s put up a million each and give the people what they want," Bryn Kenney tweeted.

Hellmuth took offense to the comments. But instead of attacking back, he showered Kenney with praise.

"Bryn - I have massive respect for you, I actually think you have a shot at becoming the poker GOAT (because you play all the games so well). Matusow thinks your the best! When you say I’m getting crushed at High Rollers, and it’s NOT true, seems like an attack on my legacy," Hellmuth wrote in response.

Kenney is the all-time winningest live tournament player in the world. His $56.4 million in career cashes is almost unheard of. In 2019, he finished 2nd in the $1 million buy-in Big One for One Drop in Europe for a record $20 million (received the biggest payout due to a chop even though he didn't win the tournament).

But he's also gone from being a millionaire to being broke multiple times, which he's admitted. Still, he is one of the most accomplished players ever and has reason to talk trash.

Bring them all on

Next up on Kenney's list of players to challenge was Isaac Haxton, one of the top high rollers ever. Well, Kenney doesn't seem to think so. He thinks so little of Haxton's game that he's willing to crossbook Haxton for life in similar events they play.

Haxton accepted the crossbook challenge, but it appears Kenney is more bark than bite here.

"I offer it so often live and online the past 15 years, u have never accepted anything. But now ur interested right cuz nothing exists, stick to online u have more info accessible to you while your playing," Bryn Kenney tweeted at Ike Haxton.

Kenney then called out Galfond, one of the most beloved and respected players in the game. He doesn't want to play the Run it Once poker site founder himself. Instead, he's willing to crossbook Galfond against a mystery player in pot-limit Omaha that he hasn't publicly named.

Galfond, who has already won three heads-up PLO challenges in the past year, isn't backing down. He said he'd take on any challengers, and that apparently includes Kenney's mystery player.

Galfond is scheduled to one day face Luke Schwartz, a British poker pro, in an eight-game mix challenge. Kenney is confident that Schwartz, who is known for his eight-game prowess, can beat the poker site founder. No date has been set for the match to take place, but they have agreed to play.

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