Free poker mentorship program now accepting new members

Craig Tapscott
Posted on: January 8, 2025 06:40 PST

A common conversation in the poker arena (especially when starting out) is that people don’t know where to turn when they want to improve their game.

There are infinite coaching and study programs/sites, tons of charts and websites, and good ol’ unsolicited advice from fellow friends. It can be overwhelming and daunting when you want to get better but don’t know which site to give your entire paycheck to or which coach would be best for your skill level.

Wouldn't it be nice if a free mentorship program allowed anyone to join at any skill level, knowing someone on the other side would be willing to help and has conquered the stakes you are currently battling?

Be a poker mentor or mentee

Introducing Partnered Poker, a first of its kind, co-founded by Christina 'Babyshark' Gollins and Mikha Marie. They are building a poker mentorship program for all gender groups, ages, and skill levels. Watch the video above to hear all about it from Gollins and Marie themselves, or read on for some details.

Partnered Poker is a networking infrastructure linking people who want to level up their game and people who want to lend their time and effort to mentor them. It matches people for three months based on skill level and preferred time spent.

"The Partnered Poker platform is an opportunity to get better at the game that doesn't require money,” shared PokerOrg Player Advisory Board member Gollins. “Mikha and I look forward to joining together to do what we can to help people enjoy this crazy game we call poker.”

The heart of Partnered Poker’s program goes beyond traditional coaching. It’s about developing a deeper connection with your mentor - someone who understands the strategies and the unique path you’re on as a player. It’s about honing in on your strengths, learning who you are as a player, and receiving guidance that supports your growth, both on and off the felt.

Partnered Poker has also partnered with GTO Wizard to assist their members with strong poker fundamentals to further their understanding of the game. All members who subscribe to GTO Wizard will receive 10% off the pricing.

Join today

Partnered Poker is currently taking on mentors and mentees and plans on rolling out the first partnered groups at the beginning of February. The deadline is January 31, 2025, for enrollment for the first three-month session.

If you are interested in a mentee or mentor role, sign up as a mentor or a mentee, or reach out via X/Twitter to either @Partneredpoker, @bbshark888, or @Mikhamarie.

Featured image courtesy of Omar Sader