Happy Thanksgiving!

Sarah Herring
Posted on: November 24, 2022 04:40 PST

For those of our readers and viewers that are not American, or not familiar with the US and Canadian holiday of Thanksgiving, many Americans believe it is a model of a feast shared in 1621 between the English colonists (Pilgrims) of Plymouth and the Wampanoag people. Many other people argue it is the annual celebration of the harvest. Regardless of where one stands in this debate, the word itself means the act of expressing or feeling thankfulness. It is time when we come together as friends and family to reflect on our blessings.

As we embark on this new journey and share our first Thanksgiving as a PokerOrg family we reached out to poker players to find out who they are thankful for and who has helped them in their poker journey. We would like to take a moment to Thank YOU and share our gratitude to the players, media, industry professionals and people that make this poker space so special.

Thanks to Brad Owen, Veronica Brill, Melanie Weisner, Landon Tice, Vanessa Kade, Ashley Frank and Caitlin Comeskey for contributing to this video.