Tom Middleton takes down two massive tournaments this past Sunday

Posted on: May 12, 2020 11:03 PDT

Two tournaments, two sites score the UK poker pro over $64,000 in one day

Pro poker player Tom Middleton has been one of the most successful, and some even consider him a phenomenon. He is no stranger to being in winners’ circles and the Yorkshireman has accumulated more than $3.3 million in live tournament cashes and over $6.2 million in online poker. Most recently, he added two more victories to his already impressive poker career, winning two major online tournaments on May 10.

The first massive event Middleton conquered was the GUKPT: National Online Main Event, listed for a $108,591, but it surpassed the quota by $54,295. He played against 150 other participants, and the buy-in was set at $1,151. According to the structure of this event, only the first 24 places cashed out, with the minimum being $1,791. Middleton conquered the final table and got a top prize of $37,463; second place was granted to HyperX, who took $26,061.

On that same day, at the same time he was crushing that final table, Middleton was also climbing his way up in the Grand Prix UK Online event. This tournament had a $162,888 guarantee; however, it had a $22,804 overlay. With his online name "hitthehole," Middleton crushed Jamie Dwan in the final heads-up battle for the title, winning the top prize of $27,188. The second-place finisher received $19,172. This tournament welcome 280 players, among them renowned pro players like Ben Spraggons, Joao Silva, Dan Stacey, Diego Zeiter, Neil McFayden, Jack Sinclair, Richard Hawes, and Roberto Romanello.