WSOP 2021: Anatolii Zyrin claims Event 55 Colossus bracelet gold

Haley Hintze Author Photo
Haley Hintze
Posted on: November 1, 2021 22:26 PDT

Anatolii Zyrin has taken down one of the 2021 World Series of Poker's largest-turnout offerings to date, the Event #55 $400 Colossus No-Limit Hold'em tourney. Russia's Zyrin powered through a 9,399-entry field to win his second career WSOP bracelet on Monday.

Zyrin earned a career-best $314,705 payday after knocking off the United States' Michael Lee to seal the win. The cash outstripped the $199,838 Zyrin pocketed for winning a $1,500 Omaha-mix tourney in 2019. Lee collected $194,450 for the runner-up showing, while the U.S.'s Kevin Rand finished in third for $147,595.

Zyrin emerges from busy final day for win

Russia's "Dykalis," as he's known online, had to fight through a large Day 3 finish in the popular Colossus event. Forty-nine players returned for Monday's finale, led by Florida's Rafael Fernandez. Zyrin started the day in 14th position.

Zyrin climbed steadily higher as the 49 players were trimmed to a nine-player final table. When Jeffrey Stellwagon bubbled the official final, Zyrin had already climbed to fourth, with Lee leading the way. Zyrin was one of the final table's most active and aggressive players, mixing it up in several large pots and either taking big hits or doubling up on multiple occasions.

Overall, the active and aggressive strategy paid off. Zyrin moved into the lead during the end of an extended seven-player period of action, though Lee and Rand battled back to take later leads as well. The three collectively eliminated all other challengers, with Zyrin picking off sixth-place finisher Eric Kim and fifth-place finisher David Ripley to return to the top.

The wild action continued with Lee going from the short stack to the lead in a matter of hands, busting Rand along the way. Lee couldn't close the deal, however, as Zyrin doubled through and then closed out the win in a cooler hand where both players made big holdings on the river card. At that point the board showed Ah-Js-8h-Qh-10c, and all the chips went in on the dangerous board. Lee showed Kc-2d for a straight, but Zyrin opened 5h-2h for the rivered flush and his second career WSOP win.

Event 55, $400 Colossus No-Limit Hold’em – Final-table results

  1. Anatolii Zyrin (Russia) - $314,705
  2. Michael Lee (United States) - $194,450
  3. Kevin Rand (United States) - $147,595
  4. Phuoc Nguyen (United States) - $112,730
  5. David Ripley (United States) - $86,650
  6. Eric Kim (United States) - $67,025
  7. Martin Gavasci (Argentina) - $51,180
  8. Vincas Tamasauskas (Lithuania) - $40,885
  9. Penh Lo (United States) - $32,240

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