WSOP Online Limit Hold'em Championship bracelet goes to Nicolo Molinelli

Jon Pill
Posted on: August 5, 2021 16:25 PDT

The first big event of the WSOP Online got off to a good start with 140 players ponying up the $2,500 buy-in. Altogether, they also chucked in another 40 re-entries, making for a $427,500 prize pool after GGPoker took its cut.

After Events #1 and #2 (the Return and Caesars Cares charity events respectively), Event #3: WSOP Online Limit Hold 'em Championship was the first serious event of the international online series.

Nicolo Monlinelli managed to outlast his 140 opponents to take down $88,461 for first place.

Limit hold 'em is often described as a mathematical exercise, something close to what the GTO specialists hope to turn no limit into. Molinelli out-calculated his opponents, despite being the short stack at the final table at several points. And even being all in a couple of times, he managed to hold on and eke his edge into a cash prize, kudos, and the most one of the coveted pieces of bling in poker.

Winning play

The money bubble broke on day one, narrowing the field from 180, right down to the final nine. Among those big names who cashed was Daniel Negreanu, who scraped past the bubble before hitting the rail.

The final nine started play with Mark Radoja in the short stack. He took a tumble early. Despite the blinds being rolled back for the final table, the stacks were still short and luck was a major component.

Molinelli watched his stack numbers seesawing either side of the average stack. Player after player dropped out until he was left heads-up with Renan Bruschi.

The limits were at 300k/600k, with 9 million in chips on the table. The second hand of heads-up play saw most of them in the middle.

Molinelli had 5.8 million to Bruschi's 3.2 million. The second hand of heads-up play saw Bruschi bet out with A♣8♣. Molinelli almost got himself in trouble by calling with the dominated J♣8❤️.

The flop came 8♠7♠T♣. Molinelli bet 300k, and Bruschi called.

The A♦️ on the turn made Bruschi a huge favorite. But Molinelli still had plenty of outs from that soaking-wet flop. Bruschi check-called for 600k, and the river came off the 9♠.

Bruschi avoided betting, calling down with his two pair in the hopes of catching a bluff. Unfortunately, the nine made Molinelli's straight and Bruschi was left with about 833k and the big blind for the next hand.

The money went in next hand with Molinelli playing T♠4♠ against Q♦️6♦️. The flop gave Molinelli a ten and Bruschi whiffed.

Bruschi took home $66,336 and a heavy heart for second place.

Event #3: WSOP Online Limit Hold 'em Championship final table results

Position Player Name Payout
1st Nicolo Molinelli $88,461
2nd Renan Bruschi $66,336
3rd Milos "Picasso98" Petakovic $49,745
4th Alex "Pl3ase_MuCk" Fortin-Demers $37,303
5th Vince Cavailles $27,974
6th Romain "Flingue" Dours $20,977
7th Joao Vieira $15,731
8th Stanislav "Stas Kuvaev" Kuvaev $11,796
9th Mark Radoja $8,846

Featured image source: Twitter