'TweedleDeeb?!' – Gollins & Deeb fight over etiquette breach in huge hand

Craig Tapscott
Posted on: May 23, 2024 09:34 PDT

Shaun Deeb and Christina Gollins have got into a beef over poker etiquette following a huge hand that played out at the $600 Housewarming Event at the recent WSOP-C Commerce

Gollins, who went on to win the tournament, made a huge fold when action was three-handed. If you haven't seen it, you can watch it here, but it involved Gollins raising and then folding to a three-bet and four-bet shove. Her opponents flipped queens and kings. 

So far, so good. But as she folded, she exclaimed, "This is gonna be the best fold of my f*cking life."

Shaun Deeb watched this hand and got ready to step up in his role as poker's chief etiquette officer. His point? She was wrong to say what she said, as it gave away her hand strength with action behind her. 

Deeb and Gollins clash

With the fuse lit, the poker gods saw fit to put Deeb and Gollins on the same table on Day 1B of the Commerce Main Event. 

Before Deeb’s seat was even lukewarm, he immediately called Gollins out over her breach of etiquette

The lit fuse blazed to a crescendo as the next hand played out heads-up between the two, much to the delight of the whole table, including chess wizard Alexandra Botez, sat to Deeb’s left.

The pre-flop and flop action was standard. The turn card brought the low end of a straight for Gollins but completed a higher straight for Deeb. 

The river was a blank, Deeb shoved, and Gollins called. To his credit, Deeb held back from his patented slowroll needle and raked in the chips. Gollins’ Day 1B was toast. Nobody heard exactly what Gollins muttered as she stormed away, but it wasn’t GG, or words that can be repeated without a penalty flag. 

Botez was heard to exclaim, “That was some great drama. I wish my video crew was here to catch that.” 

Shaun Deeb and Christina Gollins clash over etiquette Shaun Deeb and Christina Gollins clash over preceived etiquette breach


We caught up with both players on the Day 2 dinner break (Gollins found a bag on Day 1C) to get the lowdown on how it all played out, with zero bloodshed, some good-natured needling, and a new nickname that could haunt Deeb for eternity.

The big questions were asked... 

Why didn’t Deeb call Gollins out on X rather than at the poker table during the Main Event?

Does Gollins think she violated poker etiquette? 

Who thought of the new nickname, TweedleDeeb, and will it stick?

All is revealed in the video at the top.