Adam Hampton playing at the 2024 WSOP
Adam Hampton

What is the most fun poker variant you can play?

Asked on Oct 3 2024

Like many players, the first poker variant that truly grabbed me and wouldn’t let go was NLHE, and there’s still a strong argument for it being my favorite game of all time. But I know I’m not alone in seeking a little variety and following the trail on to the likes of Omaha, and then Omaha Hi-Lo. But the next step is one that I don’t think enough people have taken, and that’s no-limit Courchevel Hi-Lo.

The game plays very similarly to NLO8, with the exception that a) players have 5 hole cards, and b) the first board card is dealt preflop. Seeing the first board card at this point is huge - for example, it’s the difference between knowing you could flop the nut low or only flop a nut low draw. Likewise, for the high side, you could have a set before the full flop even comes down.

There’s always tons of action, even though it’s such a tricky proposition: the extra card in everyone’s hand means more danger of getting quartered; nut lows get counterfeited all the time; preflop sets go from the nuts to a drawing hand in the blink of an eye. There’s a lot to think about, but having that first board card exposed preflop gives you a lot of information right from the get-go.

It’s different enough from Omaha to really have a character and flavor of its own, but not so different that it requires a rewiring of your brain (hello, Drawmaha!). I feel like the biggest thing it adds is fun.