Adam Hampton playing at the 2024 WSOP
Adam Hampton

What is your favorite quote from a poker player?

Asked on Oct 3 2024

The late, great Thor Hansen was famously a source of incredible stories. Known as the ‘Godfather of Norwegian Poker’, he was a fixture on the EPT circuit and at the WSOP for many years. I don’t even know if this quote is accurate, but once I heard it, I couldn’t forget it, and even if it’s not, it’s just too good not to share.

Having won a big chunk in a live tournament, a reporter grabbed Hansen for a quick interview.

Reporter: “Congratulations! What do you plan to do with the money?”
Hansen: “I’ll take some of it and pay off a few debts.”
Reporter: “And what about the rest?”
Hansen: “They’ll have to wait.”

A classic poker quote for the ages. If it’s apocryphal, apologies, but from what I understand, Hansen wouldn’t have stopped the truth from getting in the way of a good story.